Lookbook Diary | 2021: Week 7
Good day all 🙂 I am currently sat here, writing this week’s entry from the comfort of my bed while looking out onto the various trees which scout the boundary of our back garden. Whilst, looking out onto the trees, I am currently listening to one of my favourite classical musicians, ‘Ludovico Einaudi’, a new musician I cam across at the start of 2020 and have continued to listen to, since then.
This week has been a weird one for me, I have been overwhelmed with busy-ness with work, blogging, video editing but most of all our upcoming potential house build. I haven’t really talked about the potential House Build much on here, or anywhere really, but my reasoning for this is because I am hugely superstitious and often don’t discuss something until it has either happened or is at a point where it is happening and there is no turning back. Which is a shame really, as I would love to share this journey with you all, more, as well as my family and friends.
However, ever since I have started writing these weekly entries with you, I slowly, slowly find myself opening up to you all a little more… and its hard to not discuss certain aspects of your life, when you are writing entries like these.
So, this week, a lot of my week has involved, many meetings involving our house, one with our Builder, another with our Architect and I would hazard a guess at just over 50 calls in total with various people that are working on this build with us. In addition, this week, I have been finalising accounts for our 2 businesses and designing aspects of the house build – Master Bathroom, Boot and Pantry room and the Cornice for our Fascia Boards.
This week, has been a busy one, and whilst it has been fun (I am really enjoying it) it has been stressful too, as I am trying to balance this all around working full-time, blogging, videoing for YouTube, looking after Joe and our little doggy, Lulu. However, most of all, I think the majority of the stress is mounting around us still waiting to hear if we have secured the lending required for the build, which we are working with a Private Bank for. We are currently in Week 4 of discussions and do not know when the final decision will be reached… it is the last piece of our jigsaw… and as we are currently nearing the 2 year mark of when this journey started from the Architect stage, this is a big moment for us.
I am very much now starting realise, why they say a ‘Self-build’ is not for the faint hearted! And whilst I imagine that there are many more weeks like this ahead in our journey, I am most definitely up for the challenge and know that in the long run, it will be more than worth it.
Needless to say, and I am sure like many, when I find myself not having enough hours in the day, working from 0630 to 2100 most days this week, my whole mindset schedule goes out of the window and I find myself neglecting the things that bring me peace and allow for me to feel centered. This week I only completed my morning ritual of working out and meditating, once this week. In addition, my diet of eating well-balanced home cooked meals also went out the window. So sitting here, looking back on a week, a thing that I would normally do by myself, I am now sitting here, writing and sharing it with you all. I always find it helpful to look back on the week that has passed, on a Sunday and reflect on the things that I have done, the things that I loved and work out what my plan is for the week and what I can do the following week, to make my next week, mentally a little easier.
So today, I vouch with you, that next week, I will be a little more sensible with the amount of work and pressure I put on myself and will focus on completing my usual morning routine, including working out and meditation for the majority of the week.
I hope by sharing this with you all, that it is a reminder, that everyone goes through their ups and downs through life. Some weeks, you are highly productive, some weeks you achieve your fitness goals, some weeks you eat well, some weeks you laugh to your heart’s content, some weeks you just feel down in the dumps, and the list goes on. But that’s what makes life so exciting really, is the variety, the mixture of experiences, the learning and so many other things.
So remember to not be too hard on yourself, when life is tough, a struggle and/or not turning out the way you hoped, as after all, life is a mixture of many many seasons, full of adventures, so hold tight, and the next season will shortly arrive xxx