Lookbook Diary | 2021: Week 6
Another week and another diary entry for you all. I am currently sat here writing this entry a day late! A day after Valentines Day. Yesterday, I took the day off and spent the whole day pretty much eating and relaxing after starting my morning off, completing a 30 minute Yoga session! It’s funny, I started off my Sunday morning yoga session as more of a ‘trial’ but it is now, fast becoming something I look forward to doing on a Sunday morning, as it is a slow way to wake up, stretch my tight limbs from the week’s workouts and leaves you feeling centred and restful for the remainder of the day, which for me, is the best feeling to feel at the end of your week.
Saturday evening this week, was a milestone moment for Joe and I, as it was the first time we were able to sit down and spend the whole evening chatting, eating dinner and generally doing a very normal thing, where you spend the night together having fun. For those who are new to this page and/or haven’t followed Joe’s Covid journey. It may seem like an odd thing for me to mark as a milestone moment. But after spending two plus months last year, where I ate dinner by myself everynight, whilst Joe sat upstairs in bed battling with his Covid symptoms, this was a big step for us. Even since then, we haven’t been able to spend a whole evening together and chat without Joe feeling fatigued, too energy drained and/or suffering with physical symptoms from chronic fatigue. We have been out for dinner probably three times in the past year and each time we went out, we have had to leave after 45 mins, because of Joe’s symptoms. Therefore, a simple thing of being able to spend a whole evening together, a ‘Date night’, is a huge thing for us and I was overcome with emotion and gratitude for us to be able to be able to reach this point.
Whilst sitting and looking back over this weekend, it got me thinking in general about Valentines and its purpose, the chance to ask another to be your Valentine and it made think about how overlooked the concept of Valentine is – ‘a chance to tell another that you love them’. It is a simple act of love which costs nothing and takes minimal effort but has a huge impact on the person that receives the declaration… After all, there is really no better feeling, then feeling loved, understood, accepted and supported, is there?
It made me think, how on one day, people go out of their way to tell another that they love them… and it made me think, why do we need a special day to do this? Why does it also have to be restricted to your partner? And why can we not incorporate a ‘declaration act’ of love/kindness to another once every day? During a time, where I would say we all need more love right now, what would the world be like if every individual made a declaration of love/kindness to a member of their family/friends as well as to a stranger, every single day?
So with that being said, I am going to challenge myself this month, to make sure I do 2x ‘Declaration Acts of love/kindness’ every day, where I will tell a family/friend that I love them or complete an action which expresses this. As well as following it up by performing an act of kindness to a person that I don’t know or is outside of my family/friendship circle.
Now, you might be thinking how does one do this during Lockdown? And you’re right, I thought the same, but for the act kindness towards a stranger, it can be as simple as a heartfelt smile given to a person you cross on the street or sending a kind message to a person you follow on social media, or checking on a neighbour on your street etc. I think as you start to think of all the things you can do, it gets a little easier to identify these moments. Sooo, why not join me, with this challenge and let me know how you get on?
I hope you all have a lovely week and I look forward to speaking to you next week xx
“The great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness.”
– Victor Hugo